Ellie, Tam and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Lincoln! It is a small town about an hour away that is famous for its cathedral and castle. What the don't tell the tourists about it the extremely steep hill they have to climb to get up to it. Me being the exercisaholic that I am thought the hike wasn't too bad. Meanwhile, Ellie is holding onto the railing for dear life and practically dragging herself up and all I hear are complaints about "this &*^%$#%$^& hill". I bet we were quite entertaining for the locals.
We then viewed parts of the Magna Carta. I had absolutely no idea that one of the most important documents in the world was in such a small, random, out of the way town. Kudos to Lincoln. We couldn't take pictures in the show room, but there was another piece of it in the cathedral. Don't worry I didn't use flash.
Next we saw the cathedral. While I appreciate cathedrals and enjoyed how pretty it was, cathedrals are not my thing. I was more excited when I saw a mug in the gift shop that sported the phrase "Rather spiffing old chap". That is just more British in my opinion. If it hadn't been so expensive I would then post a picture of me in some ridiculously stereotypical attire drinking from that mug. Maybe one day I will get the mug of my dreams. Instead you get a picture of the cathedral.
Speaking of ridiculous attire... THIS is what we saw after leaving the cathedral:
On our way back to the train station I saw a picture of a dinosaur in a window of a small shop. Tam is as obsessed with dinosaurs as I am with sharks, so obviously we had to stop in. I immediately found a basket FULL of fossil sharks' teeth. I freaked out while Ellie and Tam explored the shop more. Each tooth was 3.50 pounds. The owner was shocked that I got that excited over the teeth that he let me dump the whole thing on his counter and go through them. I talked his head off about sharks and the teeth. I also noticed he had about 8 teeth max, but back to the shark teeth. I literally got so excited I teared up when the guy who owned the shop told me I could have 5 for 5 pounds.
I looked him dead in the eye and told that 8 toothed man I loved him. This led him to the glorious moment when he unlocked the cabinet in the other room that had perfectly preserved 7 inch long megalodon teeth... and he actually let me alone with them. My day was made :)
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." --Dr. Seuss
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